
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Shelley Has Opinions Episode 171: Gummy Bears
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Grab a handful, Shelley Gang—the Girlos are talking gummy bears! Holly, Shelley, and Julie discuss the pros and cons of those squishy ursa friends. Are they modern, tasty art, or are they gelatiny yuck madness? Plus, "Whiz Kids Quiz" is back to reveal which of Julie's kids thinks a lot about melting chocolate chips (hint: it's actually all four of them).

Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Shelley Has Opinions Episode 170: Trapeze
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Fall into your net, Shelley Gang—the Girlos are talking trapeze! Holly, Shelley, Julie, and Kellie discuss the pros and cons of that aerial art form. Is it an awe-inspiring delight or is it too dangerous for little Shelley? Plus, Holly introduces a stinky spin-off of Jackbox Games with "Junkbox Games/QuipTrash."

Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Meow meow, Shelley Gang—the Girlos' kids are talking the best cat in pop culture! Jack and Lucy (Holly's kids), Jett (Shelley's kid), and Theo and Ruby (two of Julie's kids) all try to persuade Shelley on the best pop culture cat. Is it a cat who can ride a skateboard or is it a cat who could play the tuba? Thanks for listening in to this special episode of Shelley Has Opinions, and we will be back to our regularly-scheduled episode next week!
Check us out on PodiconGo.com and find other child- and family-friendly podcasts.

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Shelley Has Opinions Episode 168: Heist Movies
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Find the blueprints, Shelley Gang—the Girlos are talking heist movies! Holly, Shelley, Julie, and Carlie discuss the pros and cons of those thieving flicks. Are they a way to recognize a rainbow of talents, or are they encouragement to be a little bad? Plus, "Five Girls Corner" matches each Girlo with a Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.
Thanks to Corbin Miller for the topic submission, and check out PodiconGo for all of your family-friendly podcast needs.

Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Shelley Has Opinions Episode 167: Video Rentals
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Be kind and rewind, Shelley Gang—the Girlos are talking video rentals! Holly, Shelley, Julie, and Kellie discuss the pros and cons of those temporary vids. Are they perfect for a cinephile's buyer's remorse, or are they a ticking time bomb to late fees? Plus, "Whiz Kids Quiz" wonders about the definitions of the words that those dang kids say!
And, check out the PodiconGo podcast network for family-friendly podcasts for all ages!

Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Shelley Has Opinions Episode 166: Spray Tans
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Exfoliate, Shelley Gang—the Girlos are talking spray tans! Holly, Shelley, Julie, and Kellie discuss the pros and cons of those aerosol orange bombs. Are they fun for pale pretenders, or are they a way to get a tan mouth and nostrils? Plus, "What's Your Name?" features a podcast name generator to promote the new book "Everyone Has a Podcast (Except You)" by The McElroy Brothers.
Thanks to Corbin Miller for the topic submission!

Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Shelley Has Opinions Episode 165: Topic Graveyard
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Round up the stragglers, Shelley Gang—the Girlos are trudging through the topic graveyard! Holly, Shelley, Julie, and Carlie go through a lightning round of the topics left from the Year of the Submission.
Bucket Lists
Family Portraits
Little League Sports
Comfort Food
Giving Out Non-Candy at Halloween
Edible Gold
Challenging Ice Cream Flavors
Sesame Seeds
Teddy Bears
Hanging Out in Graveyards
Thanks for joining us this year, Shelley Gang! Shelley gives a heartfelt message at the end of the episode to send you into 2021!

Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Shelley Has Opinions Episode 164: Inflatable Lawn Decor
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Find your air pump, Shelley Gang—the Girlos are talking inflatable lawn decor! Holly, Shelley, Julie, and Kellie discuss the pros and cons of those puffy pals. Are they jolly in the day or night, or are they the gateway drug to more dangerous decorations? Plus, "Million-Dollar Ideas" reveals innovations in front door technology, featuring Jason Momoa!
Thanks to Alison Monson for the topic submission, and happy holidays to the Shelley Gang!

Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Shelley Has Opinions Episode 163: Frosty the Snowman
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Stop for the traffic cop, Shelley Gang—the Girlos are talking Frosty the Snowman! Holly, Shelley, Julie, and Carlie discuss the pros and cons of that magical pal. Is he an agent of chaotic good, or is he too cold to hug? Plus, "Holly's Book Club" asks the hard questions about Clement Clarke Moore's classic tale about the definitive night before the Christmas holiday.
Thanks to PodiconGo.com for having us on the network of family-friendly podcasts!

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Shelley Has Opinions Episode 162: Hide and Seek
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Count to 50, Shelley Gang—the Girlos are talking hide and seek! Holly, Shelley, Julie, and Kellie discuss the pros and cons of that classic kid game. Is it good for mind and body, or is it an excuse to run away from the nerd at the sleepover? Plus, "What's Your Name?" uncovers the Girlos' pandemic Hallmark movie plots.
Thanks to the Miller family for their topic submission, and thanks to Holly Ruhr for submitting the name generator for "What's Your Name?"